A sequel to Romanian cinema’s best-known family saga, Morometii (1987), the film continues the tale of Ilie Moromete and his family, this time focusing on his youngest son, Niculae. The entire world order of the village, where the most important thing is to own land and live as a peasant, changes with the Communist regime and their collectivization. The years 1945 to 1946 find Ilie Moromete aging, but still healthy. There are tensions between him and his second wife Catrina and Ilie’s children from his first marriage. Niculae is the only one of the children who has gone to school. He’s finished three high school years and stopped before the final year, because of the lack of money. What he wants most in this world is to finish his studies. He becomes a journalist and novelist and writes about the changing times he’s seen.

Directed by: Stere Gulea
Screenplay: Stere Gulea
Cinematography: Liviu Pojoni Jr., Alex Sterian
Editing: Dana Bunescu, Alexandra Gulea
Producer: Oana Giurgiu, Tudor Giurgiu
Cast: Ion Caramitru, Dorina Chiriac, Toma Cuzin, Dana Dogaru, Horatiu Malaele, George Mihaita, Oana Pellea, Alexandru Potocean, Paul Ipate, Marian Ralea, Razvan Vasilescu, Andi Vasluianu, Gheorghe Visu
Romania, nowadays
Gabriel is a 15-year-old teen, who wants to become a priest, he is thereby admitted to an Orthodox College. Trying to fit in first but finally realizing the system is totally corrupted and abusive, he with 3 other classmates are rapidly labelled as rebel students by the school board. Caught in the fight for power between an incorruptible but abusive priest and a cunning, crooked and unscrupulous secular teacher, the students learn that lying, stealing, cheating, gambling and betraying are things they have to master in order to survive in the seminary.
Who will graduate and become a priest? What kind of priests will they make after spending several years in this system?

Directed by: Daniel Sandu
Screenplay: Daniel Sandu
Cinematography: George Dăscălescu
Editing: Cristian Nicolescu
Producer: Ada Solomon
Cast: Ștefan Iancu, Vlad Ivanov, Ali Amir, Alfred Wegeman, Ștefan Mihai, Nico Becker, Ilie Dumitrescu Jr., Cristian Bota, Marian Popescu, Radu Botar
ANA, MON AMOUR is the story of Ana and Toma and the thread of Ana’s mental illness, which runs through their relationship – their extremely challenging situation molds the life they share: it exposes and reinforces the common dynamics between people who want to be there for each other. It envelopes the couple in co-dependency, and gradually destroys their partnership from the inside out.

Directed by: Calin Peter Netzer
Screenplay: Calin Peter Netzer, Cezar Paul Badescu
Cinematography: Andrei Butica
Editing: Dana Bunescu
Producer: Calin Peter Netzer, Jonas Katzenstein, Maximilian Leo, Oana Kelemen, Michel Zana
Cast: Mircea Postelnicu, Diana Cavallioti, Carmen Tanase, Vasile Muranu, Tania Popa, Igor Caras Romanov, Adrian Titieni, Vlad Ivanov
A young artist reconstructs a historical event from 1941, in which the Romanian Army carried out ethnic cleansing on the Eastern Front.

Directed by: Radu Jude
Screenplay: Radu Jude
Cinematography: Marius Panduru (RSC)
Editing: Cătălin Cristuțiu
Producer: Ada Solomon
Cast: Ioana Iacob, Alex Bogdan, Alexandru Dabija, Ion Rizea, Claudia Ieremia, Ilinca Manolache, Serban Pavlu
Two friends, caught in a criminal game, discover that the happiness of one of them is possible only at the expense of the other one’s misery. Because the resources of happiness are limited.

Directed by: Vlad Zamfirescu
Screenplay: Alexandru Popa
Cinematography: Catalin Simioana
Editing: Mihai Codleanu
Producer: Cristina Dobritoiu
Cast: Vlad Zamfirescu, Irina Velcescu, Theo Marton

A father is forced to have one of the most crucial conversations in parenthood: the talk about
death. A tender study about loss, grief, and how do both parents and children cope with death.

Directed by: Anghel Damian
Screenplay: Anghel Damian
Cinematography: George Dascalescu
Editing: Ciprian Cimpoi
Cast: Emanuel Parvu, Medeea Marinescu, Luca Dascalescu-Marinescu
Sorin Toma is an angry and stubborn individual. In his years of working as an investigator for CNSAS (The Council of Study for the Archives of Securitate – the former Communist secret police), he has seen lots of evil deeds. When his young colleague, legal adviser Radu Olar, decides he has had enough of Toma’s hatred, threats and built-up need of vengeance, the case of a lifetime shows up.

Directed by: Nicolae Margineanu
Screenplay: Bogdan Adrian Toma
Cinematography: Andrei Baltaretu-Iancu
Editing: Nita Chivulescu
Producer: Ager Film
Cast: Ioan Andrei Ionescu, Bogdan Nechifor, Remus Marginean, Maria Ploae, Valentin Uritescu, Cornelia Bloos, Alexandru Georgescu, Mioara Ifrim
QUEEN MARIE OF ROMANIA tells the story of the dramatic political role and colorful private life of Queen Marie of Romania. The granddaughter of Queen Victoria, she married the Crown Prince of Romania in 1893. She led the country through the horrors of World War One when it was invaded by Germany and almost ceased to exist. When – in a remarkable turnaround – victory in 1918 led to Romania doubling in size, Marie won international recognition for this new Greater Romania by rushing to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 and arguing her country’s case with US President Woodrow Wilson and British Prime Minister Lloyd George.

Directed by: Trevor Potts
Screenplay: Trevor Potts
Editing: Mircea Lăcătuș
Producer: John Florescu, Viorel Chesaru, Dan Drăghicescu
Cast: Marcel Iures (narrator)